This one was completed at a McDonald's restaurant, classy I know! Having the disaster of spilling my water all over the table and floor, I still managed to complete it with no damamges :D
I tried to use bright colours to represent just how beautiful nature is. Again, I used my so called SPLAT! design. I use it often!
I painted this for my best friend, Emily Singleton (check out her art page https://www.facebook.com/EmilySingletonArt?fref=ts)
I painted it from a photograph, although the colours in the photograph were not as bright, I wanted to give it a brighter, happier feel to enhance the beauty of nature and the colours of the bluetit.
I have a phobia of crows, so I thought, maybe if I paint one, it'll help. Seeing this guys cheeky smile, it did make me reconsider them :)
It's done with water colours, using what I like to call, the SPLAT! techinique, this is one of my favourite techiniques to use as it gives me the freedom to be as messy as I want. No colouring in the lines for me!
Visit the Etsy Shop, located in the menu, to look at this piece.
Water Colour Animals
Because nature is beautiful...

Painting this made me go a little crazy, well more that I was :D When trying to get the shape of the owl, the blobs just weren't looking right, so then I would add more blobs and so on.. I hope it turned out alright in in the end, I think im happy with the end result.

I painted this for my auntie, she has a mild obsession wiith penguins, but hey, who can't resist a big squishy bird!
I know that it should be black and white, but I figured he, let's call him Harry, could do with a new makeover! I think he's happy with it!
I thought he was adorable, therefore I painted him!