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Water Colour & Paper


Why not mix things up!
Pretty Lady

This is one of my favourite bits of artwork. With a lot of struggle and a cut finger, I managed to cut out this lady (my first time ever doing paper cutting!). I was immensely proud!


I thought I'd give it a good old SPLAT! background!


This went a tad bit wrong. But I think I saved it in the end... I started cutting out the whole image, the vines and the fairy, but cut it wrong. I ended up with a cutout of a fairy, along with a stencil of some vinnes, oops!


So, to save the piece, I used the stencil of the vines to paint a background and placed the fairy in the middle. Tada! :D


This was a paper cutting that I used as a stencil to transfer onto paper with watercolour. I like the tribal design.


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